Weight Maintenance


It’s time to let go of that ‘dieting’ feeling and begin to trust yourself and your food choices. Your body will give you powerful feedback as to the kinds of foods and amounts it actually needs to stay at your new healthy weight.



It’s time to let go of that ‘dieting’ feeling and begin to trust yourself and your food choices. Your body will give you powerful feedback as to the kinds of foods and amounts it actually needs to stay at your new healthy weight.

  • Learn to tap directly into this communication from your body,
  • Begin to feel comfortable and at ease with your healthy new shape!
  • Comfortably monitor your food choices,
  • Neutralise any ‘post-diet’ anxiety you may be experiencing.
  • Gradually stabilise your weight and body shape naturally.

Listen to this wonderfully powerful download every day for a week, then once a week for 3 weeks.