I’ve been on a low carb, high fat diet all through my menopause, and I’ve noticed a few very interesting things in the last 7 years. I’m 57 now, and went into the full [...]
I’ve been a Sugar Addict since I was about 3 years old… (although I had no idea about that then, of course!) After working in the world of weight loss and food [...]
So now we know we can be sugar addicts…10 years ago it was a very different story, and I don’t think many of us had any idea of what was really wrong. We just thought we were greedy, [...]
If I’m anything to go by, my persuasive little ‘Justifier’ could talk me into committing all kinds of misdemeanours if I didn’t hold her in check! She’s got a [...]
Ok, so there are loads of reasons that sugar is bad for you. The evidence against that sweet white substance is piling as high as the empty wrappers from a raided box of Quality Street on [...]